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    Eight (8) Surprising Trends in Sustainability Reporting

    CSE 2nd annual North America Sustainability Reporting research shows US lagging Europe despite better revenue returns for corporations with strong reporting practices


    The Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) announces its second annual research of Tendances en matière de rapports sur le développement durable en Amérique du Nord 2017. This report presents 2015-2016 trends. Five hundred and fifty-one companies from the United States and Canada were analysed, many of them among the Fortune Global 500.  The Report is intended for stakeholders including investors, business leaders, company boards, CSR and sustainability professionals, NGOs, customers, academics, and students.  New this year, research includes a comparative analysis of companies that publish sustainability reports with the highest score in CSRHub, a global sustainability ratings agency listing over 17,000 public and private companies.

    Tendances en matière de rapports sur le développement durable en Amérique du Nord 2017 examines company and organization sectors, size and ownership. It reviews reporting practices, external assurance practices, the presence of carbon footprint metrics and financial performance. The report describes over 20 trends specific to North America, broken down between the USA and Canada.

     Key Take-Away

    The most significant finding of Tendances en matière de rapports sur le développement durable en Amérique du Nord 2017 is that companies with the highest rankings on CSRHub had better financial performance than companies with lower rankings as indicated by revenue during the period 2014-2016.  These companies have recognized the importance of a comprehensive sustainability reporting strategy that includes goals, and externally assuring performance information and data.

     Les autres tendances clés sont les suivantes :

    The sectors with the highest reporting presence are Énergie et services énergétiques, services financiers, alimentation et boissons, et exploitation minière.  As noted in CSE’s 2016 report on Silicon Valley, tech firms are surprisingly under-represented.

    Most of the companies publishing a sustainability report for 2015-2016 were entreprises publiques (79.2% in the U.S. and 79.0% in Canada).  The global presence of Large and Multinational Enterprise operations makes reporting sustainability performance a necessity to keep their social and environmental license to operate.  Small-Medium Enterprises represent only 5.1% of U.S.A. and 8.0% of Canada.

    Les use of specific guidelines for reporting is growing, adding value, integrity, transparency, and reliability to reports. Of the many guidelines available, 65% of companies use the Reporting Guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).

    In North America, the majority of reports following reporting guidelines have not sought external assurance, compared to 50% of global reporting companies and organizations.  The percentage of North America companies seeking assurance has not grown since 2014.

    Adoption of the UN Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) a progressé lentement en Amérique du Nord. Toutefois, 41% des entreprises devraient intégrer les ODD dans leur stratégie et leurs pratiques commerciales d'ici cinq ans, et 71% des entreprises déclarent qu'elles planifient déjà la manière dont elles intégreront les ODD.

    Réduction de l'empreinte carbone has become the priority of the companies that have the highest Sustainability Ranking.  Most of the companies have well-stated and measured goals and targets found in their reports and websites.

    For the full report, contact [email protected] . Report findings will be presented at CSE’s Sustainability Practitioner Program (Advanced Edition 2017) in Toronto et San Diego.  CSE research informs the continuous updates of the online specialized courses offered by the Académie du développement durable.


    Les Centre pour la durabilité et l'excellence (CSE) est spécialisé dans le conseil, l'accompagnement et la formation en matière de développement durable au niveau mondial. Le CSE a formé plus de 5 000 professionnels, dont beaucoup font partie du Fortune Global 500. CSE est accrédité par le CMI (Chartered Management Institute) et est un fournisseur de formation certifié par la GRI. Le CSE Académie du développement durable offre une formation en ligne spécialisée et abordable dans le domaine du développement durable et de la responsabilité des entreprises. L'Académie a l'ambition de former 100 000 praticiens du développement durable d'ici à 2020 !

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