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    Can B Corp be the next Fair Trade for socially-minded corporations?

    B Corp, a certification for business that undertakes environmental and other sustainability efforts, is starting to attract larger, public companies. But some roadblocks still remain

    The B Corporation movement, which certifies companies that benefit society as well as their owners, is gaining momentum. Last month, Laureate Education, a global education company with $4.5bn in annual revenues, became the largest certified B Corp, joining Ben & Jerry’s, Patagonia, Seventh Generation and Warby Parker, among many others.

    B Lab, the nonprofit that administers the B Corp certification, is also raising its own profile, with plans to help launch a media company that will spread the word about the movement. B the Change Media, which recently raised $2m in startup capital, will launch a quarterly print magazine and website this summer, and plans to organize events for socially and environmentally responsible firms.

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    de Desarrollo sostenible | The Guardian

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