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    ESG performance: how to speak to your financial stakeholders

    ESG performance: how to speak to your financial stakeholders

    ESG factors are non – financial performance indicators that refer to an organization’s environmental, social and governance performance. They are the three main areas of concern that have developed as central factors in measuring the sustainability and ethical impact of an investment in a company. They are related with issues from climate change, diversity, human rights, to management structure and employee relations.

    In recent years, ESG management and reporting, as well as the integration of ESG criteria into a company’s investment strategy has demonstrably become a vital business policy, as these indicators can affect investor decisions considerably.

    If you wish to learn more on ESG legislation, material ESG issues and key performance indicators, how ESG information and data is used by investors and the ESG rankings you need to pay attention to, join our Online Certificate on ESG Performance for Investors and Sustainability Professionals.

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