A message from Rosalinda Sanquiche, lead trainer for North America
At CSE, we enjoy in expanding sustainability around the world. We believe that corporations have the most immediate influence. We focus on practitioners who are intrapreneurs – the ones who have passion.
Meeting passion with passion is part of the joy. We count success by the numbers we reach – certainly. Even more, we count success by the individuals we serve.
He aquí un entrenamiento típico.
We start by getting to know each other. We learn about participants’ jobs, and we learn about their life – unique experiences which form their drive to better the world. We’ve had countless new parents with baby pictures and parenthood fatigue around their smiles. The two days away from their kids is well spent learning to make a better world.
Definimos la sostenibilidad en función de las necesidades de cada organización. Definimos lo que NO es sostenibilidad para ayudar a centrar los recursos. Construir el caso empresarial justifica el tiempo y el dinero invertidos. Construir el caso con propósito aporta el talento, el entusiasmo y el compromiso necesarios.
Engagement – we talk about stakeholder engagement while helping participants build their own, recommitting to bringing their values to their companies. We laugh and learn from each other’s missteps.
As trainers, we get joy from “a ha!” moments – those happy moments when participants realize all they’ve done correctly and those chagrined moments when easy opportunities are pointed out.
As trainers, we get joy from Action Plans which are actually implemented. Participants have a world of solutions. That we provide the tools to manifest solutions is a boon of our work.
Without a real desire to engage with sustainability practitioners where they are in life, without years of experience dealing with dire problems and brilliant solutions, we wouldn’t be able to deliver the award-winning service we bring, joyfully, to every training.
La sostenibilidad tiene que ver con las personas: nuestros compañeros, amigos y, sobre todo, nuestras familias. Todos nuestros profesionales formar parte de la familia CSE. Para nosotros es un gran placer y una gran satisfacción ver crecer a nuestra familia.
On June 6-7, 2019, we will host the CSE Programa para Profesionales Certificados en Sostenibilidad (Advanced Edition 2019). The foundation course offers a pragmatic methodology and tools to implement corporate sustainability. This is the “how to” course for identifying stakeholders, material issues, goals – the “how to” course to bring your CSR to life.