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    Build your Sustainability Career Part 4: Land your dream Job!

    Build your Sustainability Career Part 4: Land your dream Job!

    You believe access to resources, human rights, clean environment, educational opportunities, community wellness are important.  You have fresh ideas, ample energy and a social awareness.  You’d also like a steady paycheck.

    Read the fourth part series on Sustainability careers to find your perfect job.

     How to land your dream job

    If you’ve read parts 1-3 of this series, you know we strongly advocate becoming a certified sustainability practitioner.  Certifications demonstrate you have the basic knowledge to hit the ground running.  They give you an edge over similar applicants, particularly when you pick up a topic-specific course

    Other ways to gain an edge:

    Do your homework.  Find out all you can about the company you’ve set your sites on.  If you haven’t picked a specific company, find out about the industry.  CSE regularly posts industry insights on Facebook et Twitter.

    Identify the organization’s challenges.  What are the most prominent sustainability obstacles and opportunities?  Retail may worry about supply chain or employee relations.  A mining company may angst about the environment or worker health and safety.

    Tailor your resume and cover letter to highlight how you can help the company meet specific challenges.  Yes, this means you have multiple resumes (beyond the “dump file” resume which has every job/volunteer position, dates, boss, address and phone number you have ever had since high school) and multiple cover letters.

    Réseau.  We’ve said this before.  Once you’ve targeted an organization(s), reach out to someone  you know who works there (mine your LinkedIn and Facebook contacts).  A casual good word in the hiring manager’s ear can move you to the interview pile.

    Prepare.  Practice describing how you can meet the company’s need.  If they didn’t have a pressure point, they wouldn’t be hiring!  Demonstrate you’ve done research and thought about what you bring to the company.

    Practice interview skills.  Start with a tutorial offered by college placement offices, libraries, community centers, etc.  Then, set up mock interviews with the most difficult and obnoxious person possible – never hurts to over prepare.

    Send a thank you letter.  You want them to remember you out of all the other people the hiring committee saw the same day.  Now you know who is hiring, so send the note to specific people.

    You can do this!


    Le CST aide les professionnels à faire progresser leur carrière grâce à des formations certifiées sur site ou en groupe. services de formation à l'échelle mondiale, ainsi que l'application en ligne de la Académie du développement durable. Le CSE est un leader mondial reconnu dans le domaine de la formation et de l'accompagnement professionnels en matière de durabilité et l'un des premiers à reconnaître le besoin croissant de formation certifiée avancée dans le domaine de la durabilité. La Sustainability Academy est l'initiative mondiale du CSE visant à offrir une formation en ligne abordable, spécialisée et axée sur la durabilité et la responsabilité d'entreprise. Notre objectif est de former 100 000 professionnels d'ici 2020 et avoir un impact sur notre planète !



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