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    Champion the vital role of your sustainability team in spurring momentum and change

    How to” walk the talk” and follow through on your corporation’s climate commitments

    While climate targets and net-zero planning are gaining momentum globally, many of the world’s largest companies are failing to take significant enough steps to meet their pledges to reduce the impact of their greenhouse gas emissions in the decades ahead. Many companies present vague information on the scale and potential impact of their emissions reduction measures or overstate their use of renewable energy. It can also be very challenging to track emissions across supply chains indeed.

    The COVID-19 pandemic provides an unprecedented opportunity to stress-test our ability to cooperate, learn more and adapt in the face of deep uncertainties and rising risks. Risk-informed business models are key, this is why the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) approach, now is already so prevalent in the business world.

    Since the whole world decides that everything has to be digital, renewable and green, this creates tensions in the supply chain and generates inflation. Natural gas prices for example have skyrocketed, rising to levels that have been as much as six times higher than a year ago.

    The unpredictable energy outlook has left many corporate leaders wondering how to shield their businesses from price rises and power outages in order to navigate their decarbonization pathway. Cumulative investment is also needed to fulfil the key energy-related components of the UN SDGs.

    Sector coupling might be the right way through: how energy-consuming sectors can be linked to energy-producing sectors to make the most of all available renewable power. Sector coupling projects stand at the intersection of different value chains, where different methodologies might apply.

    Governments worldwide are now spending vast sums of money on the economic recovery which will significantly influence states’ ability to deliver a green and resilient recovery. For the resources to be spent most effectively, the workforce would have to gain new skills.

    Le Centre pour la durabilité et l'excellence (CSE) innove dans le domaine de la formation et du conseil en matière de développement durable depuis plus de 16 ans en proposant les cours en ligne spécialisés et certifiés les plus abordables par l'intermédiaire de l'organisme mondialement primé Académie du développement durable. Les entreprises du classement Fortune 500 font confiance aux cours de la Sustainability Academy pour former leur personnel et atteindre les communautés ayant des intérêts ciblés en matière de durabilité, telles que la chaîne d'approvisionnement, les ONG et les start-ups.

    Plus de 8 000 cadres d'organisations de premier plan, dont Google, NASA, Coca-Cola, Timberland, la Federal Reserve Bank of New York, L'Oréal, ExxonMobil, Hartford, T-Mobile, Procter & Gamble et Macy's. ont été certifiés dans le domaine de la durabilité ESG par le Center for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE).

    For more information and group discounts contact us at [email protected]

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