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    Indian solar scheme shows local teamwork can be a guiding light | Eric Kasper

    Indian solar scheme shows local teamwork can be a guiding light | Eric Kasper

    A project that helps marginalised Indian communities to build their own solar panels underlines the benefits of local people piloting development initiatives

    At last month’s world humanitarian summit in Istanbul, leaders outlined a set of core responsibilities for humanity, and spoke of the need to reform development assistance. One proposal was to place greater emphasis on local ownership and control of projects.

    The idea is simple: rather than providing ready-made solutions that might not be right for a particular country, development assistance should facilitate access to tools that enable people to come up with their own fixes.

    En rapport : L'Afrique prévoit une campagne de promotion des énergies renouvelables qui pourrait faire du continent le plus propre du monde

    En rapport : Solar power to light the way for Africa as low-carbon campaign launches

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    de Développement durable | The Guardian

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