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    What does Big Data mean for Sustainability?

    Today, we live in a world where everything that surrounds us is driven and impacted by big data. As data gathering is becoming advanced, so is our ability to understand copious amounts at once. The corporate world can use Big Data in order to better understand the environmental impact of their operations and optimize their use of resources.

    One “real world” problem that Big data analytics is being applied to right now is environment sustainability. Climate change is currently happening and there is nothing that can truly deny its existence. World leaders are discussing climate change at almost all major forums as the problem has moved to the forefront of world-scale issues. This is because it is affecting every country.

    Human activity has proved to be the major cause of this change as CO2 emissions have heavily increased in recent years. While a major part of the climate change damage is irreversible, it is still possible to get some control over the global increase in temperature. Big data applications can be as relevant towards the cause of environment sustainability as they have been to other sectors, such as healthcare.

    Big Data, Sustainability, Environment, Climate Change, CSE, Sustainability, Sustainability Academy|Understanding Environmental Impact and Resource Optimization through Big Data  

    Big data’s usefulness lies in its ability to help businesses understand and act on the environmental impacts that their operations are having. Big data’s potential impact on sustainability rests on its power to present a clear picture of the complete impact their operations are having.

    An important application of Big Data is assessing environmental risks that the world faces right now or might possibly face in future. Another contribution of Big Data to the corporate world is its ability to help optimize usage of resources. Small improvements in efficiency due to resource optimization can result in large company savings.


    Moving Towards Better Environmental Regulation

    Big data can also be integrated with government policies to ensure better environmental regulation. Governments can now implement the latest technology and adopt real-time reporting of environmental quality data. This data can be used to monitor the emissions of large utility facilities.

    Keeping track of how various business operations have an impact on the natural world gives way to new and innovative ways for bringing sustainability to an organization’s structure. Big Data is actively helping create a change, cut costs and boost long-term profitability in a resource-constrained world. That’s the real objective that every corporation should be aiming towards.

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