Voluntary Implementation of CSR for private companies
According to a recent announcement by the Ministry of Economy, implementation of CSR will be on a voluntary basis for companies. UAE’s National Strategy has the objective to boost companies to reinforce their philanthropic and charitable contribution, using six main chapters. This CSR program is part of this strategy and is expected to awaken companies into caring for their environmental and social footprint in the country.
The Steps Towards Sustainable Mobilization
The ministry is going to determine a minimum percentage per year allocated to CSR by companies. Additionally, the use of a National CSR Index will allow the ranking of the country’s bodies according to the percentage of their charities and projects. The results from the National CSR index and the CSR Annual Report will be publicized on Zayed Humanitarian Day in June 2018. Relevant awards are expected to be granted to companies standing out for their special contributions.
A Smart CSR platform will help the implementation of the country’s companies CSR initiatives. Companies will be able to register, browse through the multiple fields of CSR initiatives and use the various guides and tools to help them in the implementation of their CSR strategy.
The Prominent Need for Companies’ CSR Strategy
The ultimate goal of this movement is to create a shared platform for companies to materialize their CSR programs, to form partnerships among the public and the private sector and to generate a general interest and attention towards Corporate Social Responsibility. To that end, the need becomes prominent for organizations to be motivated concerning CSR and to be able to create and implement Sustainability strategies.
CSE’s Certified CSR Practitioner program in Dubai provides all the latest practical tools and resources required to implement or upscale corporate sustainability in order to drive organizations’ initiatives to the next level by generating value and creating effective strategies. Organizations need to equip themselves with the necessary skills and resources concerning CSR in order not only to stand out in the crowd but to survive as well.