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    The CSR Vocation – Corporate Social Responsibility is Authentic

    The CSR Vocation – Corporate Social Responsibility is Authentic

    CSR professionals and Social Responsibility

    The CSR field in the UAE is gradually gaining increased importance and priority among the governmental, social and business communities. However, a CSR professional needs to be constantly alert regarding the latest trends and legislation, and to effectively perform his objective: to create and implement an organization’s social responsibility strategy. Among the Sustainability professional’s tasks is the responsibility to approach consumers/clients through PR and Marketing and convey the message of the organization’s ethical standards and their commitment to them.

    Ethical standards and the “Hypocrisy”

    However, ethics have been regurgitated over the years and are taking different forms each time and according to the latest trends. Turning on your TV or the internet you come across numerous examples of unethical behavior which are perceived as “normal” nowadays.

    At the same time, social media have made a dynamic entrance in our lives. It is very common for people to try and paint a picture about themselves which is not entirely true. In a similar way this “hypocrisy” has knocked the door of organizations – which are after all a human construction – and has encouraged them to go with the flow and portray themselves as socially responsible, sensitive and environmentally virtuous. More and more companies tout how they reduce carbon emissions, or use natural ingredients, friendly to the environment, respect their employees or try to eliminate poverty. That is why we are coming across “blue washing” and “green washing” more and more.

    Authenticity and CSR

    Still, people and organizations that genuinely care for the environment and the society still exist.  Perhaps they are not as unconditionally righteous as most companies try to appear, but they are authentically moral and environmentally and socially-conscious. The difficult part is for them to stand out. However, castles built on the sand will eventually perish. Consumers may be eager to be fooled at times; still their insight in the end is impressive. There is actually a way to do sustainable business and still increase profitability, CSE’s Certified CSR Practitioner program in Dubai covers all chapters of Sustainability and shows organizations the way to be authentically sustainable.

    From the organization’s part, sincerity, not exaggerating about your undertakings, even coming out and saying you made a mistake, will be greatly appreciated. Authenticity is a timeless value; it gives birth to great developments and speaks to the essence of us all. CSR professionals owe to be authentic, to be genuinely interested in what they stand for and to give their best to their cause. They may be working for a company; still they are, after all, somewhat of the social workers of the entire world.


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