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    Is Atlanta moving into the future with Renewable Energy?

    Is Atlanta moving into the future with Renewable Energy?

    Atlanta is going green. At the end of summer, the Public Service Commission, Georgia’s regulatory tribunal for utilities, approved Georgia Power’s plan to generate 1,600 megawatts of renewable energy by 2021, given that low electricity prices are incredibly important for economic growth across a variety of industries.

    Other governments have had great success with mechanisms that promote renewable energy while keeping electricity prices low. In California, consumers who install solar panels can sell their excess energy back to the utility companies, resulting in lower utility costs. Some European countries have taken this concept even further by introducing feed-in tariffs. These policies broke the monopoly of utility companies by paying consumers a respectable rate for generating their own energy.

    Despite historical resistance against green energy in the southern states, there is a unique political alliance forming that might make policies such as feed-in tariffs and renewable energy incentives possible in states like Georgia. The environmental movement is joining hands to promote solar power in Georgia. Increased renewable energy generation is inevitable as the nation pushes to limit greenhouse gas emissions. The state should determine whether it wants to get ahead of the curve and promote long term green growth, or suffer the costs of high energy prices and diminished economic growth.

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    There is a need for people who understand the complexity of sustainability and how that applies to the energy and renewable energy industry. CSE research shows these sectors have the highest sustainability reporting rates. CSE has worked with traditional and renewable energy utilities and manufacturers from around the world, including Exxon, Shell and Chevron.

    CSE will be back in the South with its Certified Sustainability Practitioner Program (2019 Advanced Edition) to Atlanta, February 21-22, 2019.


    For more information or group rates, contact [email protected]. HURRY – Early Bird registration ends Jan. 21, 2019!

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