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    San Francisco Benefits from CSE Expansion to West Coast

    San Francisco Benefits from CSE Expansion to West Coast

    Many start-ups and companies focused on sustainability call San Francisco home.  Now the rest have to catch up!  For new sustainability practitioners, this is good news.  There are ground floor opportunities.  For established practitioners – also good news.  Leadership, management and executive roles are expanding.


    CSE offers advanced certified education on Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility, Sustainable Development and Circular Economy for professionals.  Trainings maximize a company’s impact and help professionals become qualified in the field.   They provide the latest practical tools and resources to implement or upscale corporate sustainability and ESG ratings to drive initiatives, generate value and create effective strategies.


    We have added San Francisco, October 15, 2019, to our rotation of trainings. Senior managers and VPs from more than 90% of the FORTUNE 500 have attended our programs.  They join over 1500 Certified Sustainability Practitioners from over 50 countries all over the world.


    CSE has completed its second exploration of sustainability strategies and reporting in Silicon Valley (report forthcoming in September).  CSE’s 2016 report uncovered the disturbing news that Silicon Valley companies lag other sectors in sustainability practices.  The 2019 research indicates significant improvements. Still, there is plenty of room to raise standards and increase ESG Ratings relied upon by investors. The same year Google won the Silicon Valley Community Foundation award for its corporate social responsibility (CSR), CSE president Nikos Avlonas received their CSR Practitioner of the Year award.

    West Coast issues include Climate Change and sea-level rise, water resources, city growth and management and applying ESG (environment, social, governance) principles to the region.  An important CSE strategy is to meet corporations where they are.  From construction to Silicon Valley  (Workday, Netgear), CSE has developed meaningful relationships with both SMEs and large international corporations.  We’ve provided education on Sustainability to leading companies such as  Google, T-Mobile, Sandia National Laboratories and other companies based in California and Washington.

    Because of its leadership in sustainability, San Francisco is an ideal location for our Certified CSR-P TrainingOct. 15-16, 2019.  Other upcoming trainings include Toronto, Oct. 31-Nov.1, 2019 and Miami, Jan. 16-17, 2020.


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