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    Aerospace Industry One of Many Bringing Sustainability and Jobs to Toronto

    Bosses across industries are increasingly tasked by long-term ESG (environment, social, governance) concerns.  Toronto business leaders are no different.  College grads or corporate managers growing as leaders are finding opportunities around sustainability.

    A key driver in and around Toronto is the Aerospace industry.  Space may be “the final frontier” for exploration, but it’s also a frontier for sustainability practices.  Concerns include managing debris, ensuring fair access to satellite orbits,  increasing rocket efficiency and developing systematic methods and practices for LCAs (life cycle assessments).  Space exploration and delivery are benefiting from AI and adding applications from environmental monitoring (AGRICULTURE) to navigation (TRANSPORTATION).

    Opportunities exist for envisioning space as a resource for sustainable development (ok, not in 2019, but the plans are being outlined now!).   Space research has inadvertently created products which advance sustainability.  Now, sustainability is a clear mandate for the Canadian Space Agency, ESA and NASA.  CSA has been monitoring the ozone, mapping geological features and determining the environmental impact of mineral exploration for decades.

    CSE’s 2018 research Sustainability (ESG) Reporting Trends North America focuses on the influence of Sustainability on Financial Results.  We find confirmation of the link between Sustainability Reporting and Financial Performance.  Paying attention to long-term concerns pays off in annual profits.

    CSE research highlights findings from key sectors such as Telecommunications, Transportation, Energy, Construction, Agriculture and Financial Services, and many  other industries becoming increasingly important to  sustainability.

    Through consulting, research and training, CSE research breaks down CSR (corporate social responsibility) data, tracking the issues which keep telecom CEOs and administrators on edge such as:

    • Sustainable product design,
    • inclusion and diversity,
    • talent management,
    • customer service and transparency,
    • privacy and security,
    • waste and recycling,
    • energy and emissions.

    Whether you are an engineer, from HR, client relations, IT or operations, established and emerging industries need sustainability experts.

    Be among those driving successes.  CSE has worked with NASA’s sustainability champions and has trained participants for NASA’s Johnson Space Center.  We have an incredibly strong presence in other Canadian industries such as mining, construction, real estate and energy.  We all need to work together and learn from each other as we prepare for the future.

    CSE’s Certified Sustainability Practitioner Program (Advanced Edition 2019) offers trainings on these key topics and many others. CSE’s first Toronto training is April 11-12.

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