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    CSR Professional of the Year Nikos Avlonas Featured on A Better World Radio

    CSR Professional of the Year Nikos Avlonas Featured on A Better World Radio

    Nikos Avlonas, recognized by PR News as a CSR Professional of the Year, was featured by “A Better World Radio” in an interview with Mitchell Rabin, M.A., L.AC., founder and host, producing shows, writings, products and events aimed at better living and consciousness.  Rabin is an international speaker and teacher, mediator, entrepreneur, business consultant, environmentalist and writer.  He has also been hosting and producing the NYC-based cable TV show A Better World since 1993.   Avlonas is president and founder of the Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE), a premier global Sustainability Strategic Advisory and Training organization, working with Fortune Global 500 Companies, and training and coaching executives from organizations as diverse as NASA and Coca Cola.

    Avlonas and Rabin engaged in a frank discussion on misconceptions surrounding the term “sustainability.”  Too often it is referred to only as a concern for environment or in business “efficiency”.  Avlonas and Rabin discuss how sustainability actually has an important role in business success whether it be appealing to customers or investors.

    Avlonas shares his perspective for best practices in the CSR arena, including outstanding communications efforts.  Under the direction of Mitchell Rabin, the web site for A Better World features articles, products and media archives focused on holistic, creative, compassionate media for the mind, spirit and body.  

     Together they address the question, “is it already too late?”

    With brutal honesty, they conclude that some negative trajectories, such as climate change are inevitable.  However, business is uniquely suited to handle the consequences.  Product development, services, employee engagement, incorporating social entrepreneurship are opportunities to improve the world in which we inhabit.

    Awarded by PR News for his 15 years of pioneering work, Avlonas is encouraged by graduating Millennials who want lives with purpose.  Avlonas created the Sustainability Academy and it’s initiative to train 100,000 sustainability practitioners by 2020!  The Sustainability Academy offers affordable, specialized online education, helping create a critical mass of practitioners across fields, disciplines and throughout organizations.  Instilling a common language and understanding helps integrate sustainability in all aspects of corporate functions.  Avlonas envisions deep change, enabling businesses to apply principles such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

    Avlonas points to innovative companies such as Tesla, showing that technology and new business practices are already in play.  Will it be fast enough to save the planet?  Avlonas and Rabin discuss how new technologies in fields as high-flying as aviation and as grounded as agriculture are leading the way.

    Avlonas finishes the interview saying, “In this critical era, the traditional capitalist business model is unsustainable.  We are moving to an ethical capitalism.  Companies need to address this in their strategies for productivity, customer engagement and a better, more balanced planet.”

    You can hear the entire interview online at A Better World.  You can hear Avlonas present in-person at upcoming trainings in North America, London and Dubai.


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