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    Renewable energy is key to achieving SDG 7 and building sustainable economies in a post COVID-19 world

    Renewable energy is key to achieving SDG 7 and building sustainable economies in a post COVID-19 world

    The power sector is the engine of global economy, supplying electricity to all other sectors. Good and services depend on it. In times of crisis, such as a pandemic, reliable electricity supply has become critical for sustained medical services and working remotely under lockdown conditions. Relaunching the economy and rebooting business does not mean going back to the status quo before the crisis, but bouncing forward. Sustainable energy lies at the heart of economic stimulus and recovery measures.


    Power is essential for driving economic growth. Achieving Sustainable Development (SDG) 7 –ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all – is a necessary precondition for progress on many other SDG’s, including those concerning health, education, industry, sustainable cities and more. Companies are listening and reacting in ways which are important to Sustainability and aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


    COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on the power sector, particularly by leading to a reduction of demand, financial stress and disruptions to the power supply chain. It has also highlighted the deep inequalities around the world in terms of access to modern, affordable and sustainable energy.


    Access to reliable energy is essential not only for preventing and addressing the pandemic, but also for accelerating the recovery and building resilient, equitable and sustainable economies in a post COVID-19 world. Electricity has been a vital for the response to the public health emergency in many countries, although hundreds of millions of people worldwide still lack basic access to it.


    Even before the crisis, the world was not on track to meet key sustainable energy goals. Today, in order to build more prosperous and resilient economies and business, decision makers and C-level managers must redouble their efforts to bring affordable, reliable and clean energy to all.


    I started taking Ativan from after the nervous breakdown. My doc prescribed it to me and I really got a relief. But now I become dependent on it. That’s why I’m taking only 0.25mg once a week. This medication helped me to start living and even make new friends.


    The Center for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) has developed meaningful relationships with both SMEs and large international corporations. We’ve provided education on Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility to leading companies such as ExxonMobil, Shell, BP, Oiltanking, Talos energy, Concho Power Equipment and other companies.


    Get certified as a Sustainability (CSR)- P Practitioner and earn how to identify the environment, social and governance (ESG) criteria necessary to address the UN Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) which 41% of businesses are expected to embed into their strategy and practices. Claim your spot for the upcoming Digital Certified Sustainability (ESG) Practitioner Program, Advanced Edition 2020, November 3, 4 & 5.


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