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    Sustainability reporting gets the position it deserves

    The news on CSR reporting are very promising since the number of reports published on 2011 have been increased, followed by a rapid increase in the number of companies which measure their performance by adopting the GRI framework. Sustainability reporting is creating a new dynamic for markets and businesses and no matter the extent or the application level check of the CSR reporting it is very encouraging and promising that more and more companies realize the need and the benefits of reporting and engage themselves to this direction.

    Is that a surprise? Why have companies and organizations started to focus more on this direction? Simply because this approach helps them to set goals, measure their performance, shape their strategy and policy and finally to introduce innovation in their organizations.

    A sustainability report is not a pr or marketing tool but a key platform for every organization which wants to communicate its economic, environmental and social goals. The process used by larger organizations differs than the process used by small and medium enterprises.

    Large Organizations with well established management systems, functions and policies benefit from sustainability reporting since

    • Reporting is supported by the GRI framework which provides comparable data, agreed metrics and a holistic approach that forms an integral part of the company’s management cycle and reporting (& vice versa).
    • The reporting methodology can be integrated to all functions and operations at all levels, from HR to procurement, corporate affairs and HSE, and can support a reliable and long term business strategy.

    On the other hand medium size companies improve their operations and development through reporting as:

    • Employee culture drives for better quality, cost reduction, customer satisfaction
    • Customer satisfaction is gradually improving to customer loyalty
    • Local communities perceive the company as a reliable and responsible citizen

    Therefore sustainability report is a vital step for every organization interested to secure the consistency on targets & strategy as well as to invest on a future where profitability is combined with environmental care & social responsibility.

    If you want to learn how to create a CSR report based on the GRI framework join us on our next Certified GRI Training on Reporting in Athens, 22&23 October 2012!

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