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    The Good, the Bad & the Ugly: How Brands Can Create “the Good Economy”

    In today’s increasingly competitive landscape, more and more companies are realizing the innumerable benefits of sustainability and its capacity to create strong brand names and achieve long-term economic growth. Brands can play an important role in communicating the message for a more sustainable, abundant future.

    The Concept of “The Good Economy”

    According to Matias Kelly, Secretary of Social Economy at the Ministry of Social Development of Argentina “The Good Economy is an economy that places the person in the center and is ordered according to the common good, and where everything that is spent, bought or produced points to that common good”. Therefore, companies should adhere to the rules of “the good economy” and work towards developing benefits for people either with the product they sell or through the way they produce and distribute it.

    Are Brands Going Far Enough?

    Brands have this unique opportunity to foster positive consumer relations through sustainable initiatives and improve a company’s image in the minds of consumers. The role of brands is to become aware of this growing need for a good economy that creates value and benefits for the consumer instead of being solely based on profit. Corporate Responsibility, Sustainability Jobs, CSR Career, Sustainability, Environment, the Good Economy, Sustainable Brands, CSE, Sustainability Academy|

    If in this logic, brands have the possibility to sell while they generate positive impact in the world, the benefit is double. Overall, brands should work even harder in order to inspire, engage and equip today’s business and brand leaders to prosper for the near and long term by leading the way to a sustainable, abundant future

    Redefining the Bases for a New, Better Economy

    It has become evident that the hunt for ever higher production and consumption is drawing down limited supplies of natural resources, using up the capacity of ecosystems to absorb wastes, and – despite all of this – failing to improve people’s lives in wealthy nations. It is possible to build an economy that meets people’s needs without undermining the life-support systems of the planet.

    Big changes are needed to achieve such an economy. For example, limits on resource use and waste emissions to ensure environmental sustainability but also limits on income inequality to improve societal health. In order to achieve these changes we all need to ask ourselves how much we care about the planet and our society. All in all, when consciousness evolves, the market evolves, because the market is all of us.

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