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    2012 to 2013!!

    So, we have now said goodbye to the year 2012 and we are already embracing the New Year of 2013! The question now is what happened last year in the world of CSR and what can be transmitted into 2013? Looking back in a glance, it is apparent that companies realize that climate change is no longer a debate but an on-going threat which is becoming, nothing but bigger and bigger! In response the year 2012 indeed showed an increase in companies acting upon this significant matter and embedded sustainability within their business strategies to reduce their personal impact on the environment! This was seen through 78% of businesses reporting that climate change is being integrated into their corporate strategies, which is up 68% from last year according to the 2012 CDP !

    All companies who devoted time and recourses to sustainable strategies and continue implementing methodologies of minimizing the risk of climate change deserve a big applause! These companies lead the way and portray the message that businesses have the will and power to be good corporate citizens!

    Positively, 2013 is now here and has been predicted to be a good fiscal year, thus, we should be looking ahead and aiming at even better results than last year! In the arena of CSR Business Green article reported that almost half of the 250 senior sustainability executives indeed expect spending to increase in 2013 and they anticipate a robust growth in:

    • corporate reporting initiatives
    • smart grid
    • energy systems integration
    • distributed generation projects
    • sustainable product design
    • collaborative or shared consumption models

    Though this might come as no surprise for some, for others, these areas are key areas to place in the 2013 list of resolutions as they hold the key of gaining competitive advantages simply by acting responsibly and most importantly responding to stakeholders 2013 needs! Therefore, the tip of the year 2013 is that there are essentially no secrets when it comes to Corporate Social Responsibility, only transparency in products and services!

    Happy New Year

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