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    Top 8 E-learning Trends for 2016

    Top 8 E-learning Trends for 2016

    The trends that dominated in 2016 in learning behavior, tools and devices show that
    E-learning is here to stay

    Elearning is rapidly changing the way we learn, our access to information, the place or time of learning, the reasons we choose to learn or the tools and devices we select.

    Recent studies have shown 8 global learning trends:

    • Gamification
    • Mobile learning
    • Video-based learning
    • Social Media learning
    • blended learning
    • Micro-learning
    • Augmented reality
    • Big data and learner analytics


    For the Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE), keeping a close eye on the trends is important in order to provide top professional knowledge through its Certified Online Courses on Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility issues.

    Click here to view the Online Courses of the Sustainability Academy or contact us at [email protected]


    Source: https://www.exultcorp.com/top-8-e-learning-trends-infographic/ 

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