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    Britain ranks among the Top 10 in the low-carbon power league

    According to the new report by the Imperial College London, Britain is now among the top 10 of a global low-carbon electricity league table.

    What is even more striking is that Britain has made the fastest ascent of any country, with a 13 place leap in just four years! It climbed from a 2012 ranking of 20th out of 33 industrialised countries to 7th on the low-carbon electricity league table.

    This happened because the carbon price and lower gas prices have forced coal off the system – the amount of coal-fired power generation in Britain has fallen 80% between 2012 and 2016.

    The top 3 of the table include Norway, Sweden and France, which have the cleanest power systems among large and industrialised countries due to their mountainous terrain allowing for substantial hydropower resources.

    The Netherlands moved eight places down the leaders’ table as a result of building new coal-fired power stations.

    According to the report, India and South Africa have the dirtiest power sectors on the list, with 75-90% of their power generated by coal.

    From a business point of view, more and more corporate initiatives address the issue of carbon reduction, also because this represents a growing stakeholder concern for the environment.
    CSE is proud to help corporations, with advanced training programs and specialized consulting services, to incorporate environmentally responsible practices.

    CSE’s next UK presentation of their Certified Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner Program, Advanced Edition 2018, will be held in London, 1-2 March 2018. 

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