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    Corporate Sustainability: Measuring its Value

    Corporate Sustainability: Measuring its Value

    Sustainability Drives Profit. No major company strategy is complete and successful these days without an integrated Corporate Sustainability Policy.

    Nowadays, most corporate executives recognize that sustainability must be integrated into a Firm’s core strategy. Unfortunately, not all executives realize why this is crucial or even worse they proudly promote their short paragraphs of the “About Us” section in their Websites, as Sustainability Initiatives. If the international business community is to prosper in the long term and help the society to build a better future, it needs to continue to scale up the ambition as well as the influence of its efforts through Sustainable Development.

    To develop a clear Sustainable Development, a firm should analyze what matters most along the entire value chain. This ought to enable firms to identify the sustainability issues with the maximum long-term potential and to create a comprehensive sustainability analysis. After this analysis, translate the outcome into goals that can be extracted into business metrics and communicate properly the financial and corporate impact. Make progress in your Firm by successfully translating sustainability data to both innovative short-term as well as long-term corporate goals.

    Join our Online Diploma on Corporate Sustainability: Foundation Course Certified by IEMA, and support your Firm’s Sustainable Progress and Development.

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