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    Free Webinar to Reveal Surprising Findings for CSR In Silicon Valley

    Free Webinar to Reveal Surprising Findings for CSR In Silicon Valley

    Sustainability Trends in Silicon Valley

    Are Silicon Valley corporations role models for sustainability?  Given the high concentrations of Millennials, many believe Silicon Valley veers toward sustainability.  Yet the likes of Google and Apple are noticeably absent from the top of sustainability indices such as the Dow Jones Sustainability Index and Corporate Knights Global 100.

    Our December 15, 2016, webinar presents analysis of sustainability and corporate social responsibility reporting by Silicon Valley-based companies and organizations from CSE’s report Sustainability Trends in Silicon Valley.

    While many companies researched are leaders in their field, they are not necessarily leaders in sustainability.  See where leading brands such as Adobe, AMD, Apple, Cisco, eBay, Facebook, FICO, Google, Intel, LinkedIn, PayPal, Oracle, SunPower, Tesla, and Zynga land on the sustainability spectrum.  Find out about the overall corporate climate toward sustainability in Silicon Valley.

    CSE’s research furthers its commitment to high caliber training in sustainability for corporate executives and sustainability managers worldwide.  Its Sustainability Academy (a global initiative to train 100,000 sustainability professionals by 2020!) provides rigorous education to sustainability professionals, entrepreneurs and graduates needing the latest resources to advance in this ever evolving field.

    The expert webinar will be led by Nikos Avlonas, president and founder of CSE, and Rosalinda Sanquiche, executive manager, CSE-North America.  Join us on Thursday, December 15, 2016 at 11am ET.  (REGISTER)

    To learn more on how these findings can improve sustainability within your organization, attend one of our  Certified Sustainability Practitioner (CSR) Programs.(Advanced Version)

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