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    Is my Company as Green as I am?

    Is my Company as Green as I am?

    At home you recycle, turn off lights and have installed LED or CFL bulbs. You have stopped buying bottle water; you have even given up paper plates at your family gatherings. You are doing your part at home, but what are you doing at work?

    Does your company deliver products or services in a way that prioritizes clean air and water and preserves our forests? Can it do more?

    The Sustainability Academy, sponsored by the Centre for Sustainability and Excellence, can give you the knowledge base so you may help your company employ sustainable practices.   We are a new source for affordable education and coaching in the field of Sustainability.

    Education is the most powerful tool you can use to change the world, and our objective is to offer Certified and credible education to professionals, entrepreneurs, NGOs and graduates that want to make a positive contribution to our planet. We offer education to individuals and can also provide in house programs for companies.

    With our trainings you can:

    Ø  get recognized as a sustainability practitioner at your company

    Ø  add another marketable skill, Certified Sustainability Professional, to your resume/LinkedIn!

    From agriculture to energy, manufacturing and transportation, we have strategies to help your company develop a sustainability plan.

    Consumers’ behavior is more and more influenced by how green a company is!

    Want to learn more?  Please visit https://sustainability-academy.org/about-us/ or contact us at [email protected]

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