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    Linking Sustainability to Future Investors

    Have you ever wondered what the link is between sustainability and investors? Your answer can be found in the findings of the resent report Sustainable Extraction?, analyzing the SEC disclosure by major oil & gas companies on climate risk and deepwater drilling risk. Findings showed that even the 10 top oil and gas companies are not providing high quality reporting of the risks it faces from deepwater drilling or climate change, and how they’re managing these risks.

    Why is this Worrying?

    Investors deserve more disclosure in order to invest in such risky sectors! Why? The social and environmental risks associated with extracting and transporting these fuels are numerous and significant and investors also need to protect their own reputation.

    How Does This Affect Your Company?

    This report is a wakeup for all investors as quoted from New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli, this means CSR is growing in investors’ minds and agendas. If your company is not acting responsibly you might find yourself being an unattractive target to investors as they will protect their own reputation over yours.

    If you want to learn more about what you can do regarding your attractiveness towards future investors as the business case for sustainability, take a look at CSE’s “Certified training”

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