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    Live Q&A: How can we create water secure cities?

    Live Q&A: How can we create water secure cities?

    Join our expert panel on Thursday 23 June from 3–4.30pm to discuss whether we can achieve urban water security and have the tools to do so

    More than half of the world’s cities already experience water shortages on a recurring basis. Karachi – the largest city in South Asia – is facing another summer of water shortages, one out of three of India’s big cities are facing a water crisis, and at the height of the drought in São Paulo last year, 9 million Brazilians were subject to government-enforced water rationing.

    Growing urban populations are compounding the stress on freshwater resources, and some cities have turned to extreme and expensive measures to get freshwater to its citizens. Mexico City’s biggest single source of water is the Cutzamala reservoir system, located 120km away, and the arid Middle East is home to 70% of the world’s desalination plants, located mainly in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Bahrain.

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    from Sustainable development | The Guardian
    via https://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-network/2016/jun/17/live-qa-how-can-we-create-water-secure-cities

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