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    The Importance of Strategic Business Partnerships

    Is there really a secret recipe in making a successful company?  Well nowadays there is no such thing as secrets in the business world as transparency is something that is high in society’s expectations! Therefore a large percentage of the “secret recipe” in today’s business is in working together! This in many cases means for companies to invite and be invited as Strategic Partners with tailor-made programs to meet specific needs and interests of each Partner in order to accomplish an ongoing, longer-term involvement!

    You might wonder what is so great about partnerships. Well Strategic business partnerships provide businesses with the opportunity to increase their customer base, whilst others prefer to use partnerships to strengthen weak aspects of their business, essentially searching to improve their business. In both cases the aim should be to identify consumer’s wants and needs and finds partners that can resolve them.  Such opportunities are developed by identifying what your customers want from products and services and making strategic partners play a “thought leadership” role within your business, effectively adding the missing piece to the puzzle.  Thus, partnerships for businesses create and give access to new products, reach of new markets, surpass competitors and even increase customer loyalty. This might be why it has been said that “the main objective of partnerships is the true synergy of one plus one equals five instead of two”.

    But one thing that is imperative in creating successful partnerships is sharing your vision and enthusiasm, as well as bringing expertise into keys areas! Therefore partnerships must be with someone who understands the legal and financial responsibilities which are fundamental in sharing a business. For instance, CSE (Center for Sustainability and Excellence) is a registered Organizational Stakeholder of the GRI, supporting its mission to develop globally accepted sustainability reporting guidelines through a global, multi-stakeholder process, hence why CSE participates actively in GRI committees and relevant forums. CSE is also an IEMA approved training provider, offering accredited recognition for organizations evaluating and improving their sustainable performance. IEMA is the largest professional body for environmental, established to promote best practice standards in environmental management, auditing and assessment. Similarly, CSE is an exclusive representative of myclimate, a non-profit organization based on the concept of voluntary and innovative solutions for climate protection and the promotion of renewable energies and technologies, and this is how CSE is able to offer certified carbon emissions off-setting services.

    Consequently, you will find that all three partnerships CSE has married its services with, have common values, visions, missions, being Sustainability at its very best.

    For more information on our services and partnerships visit our site at: http://www.cse-net.org/

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