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    Why should Corporate Sustainability be at the top of your 2019 Corporate Agenda

    Why should Corporate Sustainability be at the top of your 2019 Corporate Agenda

    A New Year always brings with it, a new perspective either in business or personal. In terms of business, 2019 brought a shift towards Corporate Sustainability.

    Corporate Sustainability means that individuals and companies have a duty to act in the best interests of their environments and society as a whole. Lately, businesses have developed sustainability strategies where social responsibility is an integral part of their business model.

    More than 80% of Millennials say that their favorite companies have identified their values, according to Forbes. Research shows that Corporate Sustainability produces transparency and can increase brand awareness, trust and an overall advantage to companies. CSE’s unique research findings have been picked up by Forbes.

    Businesses large and small get a competitive advantage in regards to sales and also talent recruitment by not only supporting social responsibility but also by walking the walk and demonstrating it. Social responsibility should be organic, dynamic and proactive.

    A challenging two-day training offered by CSE provides the latest practical tools and resources required to implement or upscale corporate sustainability. Executives from Fortune 500 companies, local governments and academia trust CSE’s advanced training to become Certified Sustainability (CSR) Practitioners and earn a unique recognition in the Corporate Sustainability field.

    The Practitioner Program in London focuses on key challenges, many of which were faced by hosting the Super Bowl.  Topics include:

    • Integrating SDGs into a Sustainability Plan
    • New trends and how to gain a competitive advantage
    • Maximizing stakeholder engagement
    • How to influence C-Suite Executives and get support for a Sustainability Plan
    • The role of Investors and maximizing corporate performance in ESG ratings

    The course includes a chance to complete a two-year sustainability plan that will qualify you to earn the globally recognized CSR-P Certification and become Certified Sustainability Practitioner. The final assignment helps participants implement practical tools.

    The course provides a free CMI membership (a $200 value). You also receive Certified Learning materials (hard copy) and a training guide (electronic copy).  During the two days of instruction, students learn from updated case studies from companies such as Apple, Ikea, and Unilever; informative videos from leading sustainable organizations; participant-specific sector CSR reports.

    Best among the many values of the course is the friends made and networks built.  You learn from fellow participants and they learn from you.  The instructors listen to each individual’s challenges and offer pro bono advising services.

    Among the engineers, facilities managers and tech specialists, Marketing, Public Relations, Communications, General Management and Human Resources this CSR training is not only for those working in CSR and Environmental Management.  CSE’s training offers added skills to all professionals engaged in the field of CSR, small business, major corporation and mega-events included.

    The first 2019 Certified Sustainability Practitioner Programs in Europe is in London 14-15 March, 2019.

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