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    World Environment Day 2018 – Connecting everyone to beat plastic pollution.

    World Environment Day 2018 – Connecting everyone to beat plastic pollution.

    Forty six years following its first celebration on June 5th, the Environment is honoring its day and calls the world to action under the theme of “beating plastic pollution”. Holding number one place in the environment threat list, plastic accounts for 10% of all of our waste on a global scale indicating the need of individuals to unite and step-up efforts to reduce the amount of single-use plastics.

    CSE’s training in Houston builds on Environment Day lessons, presenting an opportunity to all Sustainability Practitioners who want to focus on climate change challenges and make an impact.

    Choosing to celebrate our Environment on a single day aims to act more as a reminder on how its protection should be embedded in the human mindset and our overall behavior on an ongoing basis.

    After Canada and “connecting people to nature”, World Environment Day 2018 has India this year’s host country.  Recent reports indicate the disturbing level of pollution deriving from plastics and micro plastics and the necessity of their replacement to non-plastic or more biodegradable ones making them easier to recycling. India seems to be one of the booming countries in the world with regards to recycling rates while statistics report that an average Indian uses about a tenth of plastics compared to the usage of an average American. On the contrary, the Indian government aims to increase the per capita plastics consumption as it is perceived that it represents an economic advance.

    Nevertheless, the country is willing to deal with that matter by initiating some interesting and creative actions. Part of the celebrations today includes a plastic clean-up in Taj Mahal as well as in 100 more historical cities.

    The UN Environment communicates some tips to reinforce the movement such as:

    • To bring your own shopping bags to the supermarket
    • Carry a refillable eater bottle
    • Refuse plastic cutlery and straws
    • Support the non-plastic packaging (food suppliers)
    • Support single-use plastic bags


    The Center for Sustainability & Excellence values the Environment Day and designs its trainings to highlight the foundation as trusted by Fortune 500 global executives in order to help organizations make every day significant to our Environment.

    Next stop for the Certified Sustainability (CSR) Programs will be in Houston, 27-28 September and upon popular demand for the second time this year in Toronto 25-26 October. Register now and get all the tools you need.



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