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    Trudeau’s challenge to maintain Canada’s sustainability status

    Trudeau's challenge to maintain Canada's sustainability status

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s climate plan is at serious risk following the Canadian’s court decision to suspend the expansion of a pipeline to the Pacific over environmental concerns. According to regulators, they had failed to consider the impact of increased tanker traffic to the port of Vancouver on local killer whales. As expected that has sparked frustration in the oil industry.

    “While Alberta has its own climate plan that will not be effected, pulling out of the national plan means that once the carbon price goes up to $40 per ton, Alberta will pull out. This means Alberta will likely stay part of the national plan for the next two or three years before the carbon price increases. It’s expected to hit $50 per ton by 2022.” The Prime Minister said.

    In the heat of this environmental and political crisis, CSE will be back to Toronto to present the Advanced Certified Sustainability Practitioner Program this October 25-26, 2018.Planning and thinking ahead in order to maintain a climate and sustainability plan is on CSE’s agenda along with Sustainability, Supply Chain, Corporate Responsibility and Corporate Communications.

    The environmental NGO urged the prime minister to “turn 180 degrees and align his policies to respect the Paris Agreement.” This can be achieved with perfect planning and use of the right professionals to negotiate and adjust Canada’s climate plan.

    These urgent challenges demand attention. As time goes by, Canada’s deadline is approaching and the need for of trained sustainability practitioners is rising. The next CSE Certified Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner Program (Advanced Edition 2018) will be in Toronto, Canada, Oct. 25-26, 2018.  By demand, this is the second training in Toronto in 2018.  For more information, visit www.cse-net.org or email [email protected].

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